tct tech tips
drafting tools
ech Tips are TCT's way of sharing what we've learned over thirty-five plus years of producing award winning theatre. We've started with a sample rehearsal schedule, sample director's guide and information on building a basic flat.
We hope to add more "tips" as time and space allow.
If you have a particular subject you'd like to know more about, or a suggestion on a subject you think we ought to include here, fire off an e-mail to TCT at [email protected] Oh, and if you spot anything wrong in these, or any other pages on this site, don't hesitate to let us know.

Sample Rehearsal Schedule

Guide to The Crucible

Basic Flats

Sample Director's Guide

Tupelo Community Theatre, P. O. Box 1094, Tupelo, MS 38802, 662-844-1935, or e-mail us
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